Bankable System
Emeral power system is the investment instrument today and return is much more than expected.
- Salvage value will be higher than 20% from the general system
- System is bankable till the tenure
- System performance will give big rise in savings
- Emeral System can also be resalable
In today’s market, project planning, design and execution are more complex and challenging than ever before. From feasibility to first power unit generation, every project needs the experience and capability to deliver high-quality engineering and construction management solutions that will maximize performance and profits while meeting schedule and budget.

Emeral team is very much sound in the engineering design and construction. Their own manufacturing of solar panel gives them a confidence to give a power commitment for the complete solution.
- Site Development Services (Site Acquisition through Testing and Turn-up)
- Value engineering/ optimization study
- Detailed Design Engineering (Electrical, thermal compensation, mechanical)
- Project risk assessment
- Project planning and scheduling
- Construction Management
- Civil Works
- Critical long life mechanical structure
- Local and global procurement capability and Expediting electronics
- Substation Integration and Automation
- Security
- Environmental Services (EIA clearance)
- Quality Control Assurance
Emeral Engineering Design is the solutions throughout the Plant development lifecycle providing highest impact from a single vendor of mechanical design, electrical design, Civil-structure design and Environmental impact assessment. We offer integrated framework covering solutions from Concept-to-implementation solutions to end-of-life maintenance and support services. Emeral has a comprehensive portfolio of complex mechanical structural design and MW power plant engineering. Our extensive experienced team enables us to offer end-to-end offerings in this area. This makes us a unique, one-stop solutions provider for solar MW scale power plants.
Most engineering designs can be classified as inventions-devices or systems that are created by human effort and did not exist before or are improvements over existing devices or systems. Inventions, or designs, do not suddenly appear from nowhere. They are the Emeral result of bringing together technologies to meet human needs or to solve problems. Emeral design is the result for the task to complete more quickly or efficiently. Design activity occurs over a period of time and requires a step-by-step methodology, which Emeral has acquired with his experience team.

Mechanical frame is the main support structure for all the solar panels of solar farm. Emeral has separate design team for the structure who takes the structure on the ground may be more than 100 times before coming to the final design. Their design contains the consideration of land softness, surface layer, wind load, air water, every season forecast, low cost and long life, easy in implementation and lot more. Small snapshots are as below for testing the structure:-

Our approach is custom designed to suit our client requirements.
We discuss the plan, detailed scope of work, expected output, loopholes and threats with the client before undertaking the contract. This ensures complete understanding of expectations and deliverables by both parties.
Single-point project accountability simplifies decision-making, coordination, contract administration, payment process and encourages the development of innovative, cost-effective solutions.
Emeral’s Power plant process capabilities extend from conceptual and feasibility studies through basic engineering and sample site survey of 20-35 days to full-plant design, procurement, project, construction management and long life service support.
Our professionals are fully backed by a hands-on management team, a solid support staff and the latest technology to support achieving the best possible project execution.

EMERAL family is a unique combination of Telecom power and Solar power experts.
EMERAL has designed highly economical Telecom Solar Power Systems to serve the exact need of telecom site. EMERAL’s domain experience of more than 12 years is giving a new direction to telecom power with renewable energy.
EMERAL’s SPV system tolerance is always on positive side, which is very much suitable for stand alone and on grid applications.
SPV System is designed to operate complete load profile only through Solar Power for required hour of operation per day. No other source of energy is utilized either for loads or charging the battery bank. During the Night time the Energy stored in a battery bank will run the load.
It is a SPV system interacting with the utility by using sophisticated control equipment to support the Load, Solar array as well as Grid. In this system direct power is passed to an inverter which converters the AC power. Inverter monitors the mains supply frequency and phase angle and generates electricity that is phase matched.

Very often, the telecom site has to buy standard latest equipment offered by vendors. This approach usually is not the most optimize and may causes to exceed the budget and hence diminish the profit unnecessarily.
Emeral takes a different approach by putting our customers requirement in first priority. We provide choices of either purchasing new equipment (Capex model) as per site requirement and charge not for the equipment but commitment of power out put or simply rent what is the need(Power only) and scale up over time (Opex model). We offer onsite Rental Hardware on demand based on a set of agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA). You simply get the same computing resources at your premises and pay only for what you need. The SLA is tailored to meet your unique requirement for computing power, resources and budget.
By providing with the choices, we ensure that operator accomplish his business objectives with the most optimized investment.
- Investment recovery in apprx. 5-8 years
- System life is 25 to 30 years
- Zero Maintenance
- Earning instrument against Expense
- No Diesel Consumption
- No Dependency on Diesel Price Hike
- No Noise
- Income tax depreciation benefit
Solar solution will be earning instrument than the expense in the long term. With all the environmental benefit, there are lots of government benefits available to encourage this solution. To have more clear picture we have put a small analysis report here for the cost recovery.

- Diesel Consumption everyday
- Rise in diesel Price
- Diesel Generator Cost
- Solar power plant cost
- Interest rate on the investment
- Depreciation of the plant
- Replacement of Diesel Generator at 7 years
- Life of the system for 25 years